Step 1: Open The Scene App

  • Launch The Scene app on your device.

Step 2: Log in to Your Account

  • If you’re not already logged in, enter your credentials to access your account.

Step 3: Go to Your Affiliates Dashboard

  • Navigate to the Affiliates dashboard within The Scene app.

Step 4: Click Copy to Clipboard

  • Locate the option to “Copy to Clipboard” and click on it. This will copy your affiliate link.

Step 5: Open Your Browser

  • Switch to your preferred web browser.

Step 6: Paste the Link

  • Paste the copied affiliate link into the address bar of your browser and hit Enter.

Step 7: Go to Events

  • Once the page loads, navigate to the Events section.

Step 8: Choose the Event

  • Click on the event that you wish to promote.

Step 9: Copy the URL

  • Copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.

Step 10: Return to Your Affiliate Dashboard

  • Switch back to The Scene app and return to your Affiliate dashboard.

Step 11: Paste the Link

  • Locate the designated text box and paste the copied URL into it.

Step 12: Click Copy to Clipboard

  • After pasting the link, click on “Copy to Clipboard” again.

Step 13: Go Back to Your Browser

  • Return to your web browser.

Step 14: Paste the Link and Go

  • Paste the copied link into the address bar and hit Enter.

Step 15: Scroll Down

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Step 16: Locate Your Affiliate QR Code

  • Your affiliate QR code should be visible at the bottom of the page.

Step 17: Click Download

  • Click on the option to download the QR code.

Step 18: Check Your Downloads Folder

  • Your affiliate QR code should now be available in your device’s Downloads folder.

Congratulations! You have successfully generated an affiliate QR code for event tickets on The Scene app.